L'Oréal For Youth: A Global Program For Youth Employment

Helping young people shape their future and start their career

A world where young people have more equitable access to education and work opportunities is a world that we, at L’Oréal Groupe, want to help build. L’Oréal For Youth (L4Y) is our global programme that continues to bring youth into the heart of our business.

We are continuously developing our ecosystem of people and initiatives to combat youth unemployment and provide youth from different backgrounds with a “support system”.

Not everyone has the privilege to know people in the industry of which they aspire to work in, or simply a network of people who share things they don’t teach you at school. The L4Y programs are made to bridge the gap between school and the working world. To help the people who don’t have access to a reliable support system, and proactively play a part in providing them the right information, knowledge, advice they need to get prepared and join the job market.


It's time to give back

We have always been fueled by youth. In all markets in which we operate, there are many talented young people leading innovation.

Decade after decade, our leaders have always bet on youth and their potential… Now, it’s time to give back.

The L’Oréal For Youth program provides young people with various opportunities for their first professional steps and concrete actions to boost their employability.




L’Oréal For Youth was created to combat youth unemployment

There is a gap between the formal education and the job market, especially for those who don’t have access to top educational institutions.

Upskilling is essential to promote employability, and we want to prepare the youth to unlock their potential for their future.


over 100,000
young people reached by employability actions in 2023

This includes young people who:

  • Attended to our masterclasses;
  • Have been coached;
  • Have been mentored by L’Oréal leaders;
  • Participated in case studies, hackathons or business competitions.


L’Oréal For Youth creates real professional opportunities for people under 30

Young people have been affected by the socio-economic crisis after the pandemic and youth unemployment is one of the largest concerns for Gen Z.

Companies, like L’Oréal, have an important role to play, so every year we commit to creating 25,000 professional opportunities to youth all over the world.


over 25,000
professional opportunities created for people under 30 in 2023

This includes young people being developed through:

  • Internship programs;
  • Apprenticeship programs;
  • Management Trainee L’Oréal SeedZ program;
  • VIE positions;
  • Other work-based learning opportunities.



L’Oréal For Youth is part of a global movement to support employability of people under 30

L’Oreal For Youth is designed to inspire a global movement and encourage other companies, NGOs and governments to partner with L’Oréal for Youth.

Partnering allows us have a bigger impact and reach more diverse people in every market with our actions.



In 2021, L'Oréal became a founding member of the most powerful program for Youth: The GLOBAL ALLIANCE FOR YOUTH launched by NESTLE in 2014. This leading global movement has been actively working and partnering with governments, foundations, youth organizations, academia and the private sector to overcome youth unemployment.

L’Oréal has also joined the board of GAN Global, an alliance that connects business, governments and international organisations to promote work-based learning in order to contribute on the employability of younger generations.

Check out the latest stories shared by our #LOrealforyouth beneficiaries 


To become a reference for youth employability in every single market, we need to meet the local needs of communities we support. L’Oréal For Youth reaches young people worldwide with a unique approach and we have captured some of the stories shared by our beneficiaries across the world.


Thanks to all of the L’Oréal employees who have already committed to playing a part in L4Y. 

If you're committed to empowering youth, why not join us? Click here to check out our available jobs careers.loreal.com